Give Me A Break

When someone feels they are being attacked or over-utilized, they might say, “oh give me a break!” This phrase can also be used as a response to something seemingly ridiculous. For Example: If your friend said, “I think Tottenham will beat Manchester United,” you could say, “oh give me a break!” This would indicate that […]

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Out Of Bounds

In sports, out of bounds means outside of the field of play. This phrase can be used to symbolize something that is off-limits. For Example: “I would ask Brett’s sister on a date, but I’m afraid that might be out of bounds.” In this case, the speaker is implying that trying to date Brett’s sister […]

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Call Someone’s Bluff

A poker term that means identifying when someone is lying or being deceitful in hopes of misleading you. For Example: “He was acting like an expert on astronomy, but when I asked him his thoughts on quantum physics I clearly had called his bluff, he didn’t know how to respond.

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