Nights In Harlem

ft. Precise There’s a party in Harlem, come on I like to reminisce about that night we kissedIt was somewhere one night in HarlemThe nights were hot and brightYou could treat your honey rightCuz Sylvia’s would burn all night The people there were really something(You know that’s right)The music always kept us jumpingAnd it used […]

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Brain Damage

[Doctor] Scalpel[Nurse] Here[Doctor] Sponge[Nurse] Here[Doctor] Wait.. he’s convulsing, he’s convulsing![Nurse] Ah![Doctor] We’re gonna have to shock him![Nurse] Oh my! Oh my God![Doctor] We’re gonna have to shock him![Nurse] Oh my God! [Eminem]These are the results of a thousand electric voltsA neck with bolts, "Nurse we’re losin him, check the pulse!"A kid who refused to respect […]

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Names And Dates And Times

I know so many white peopleI mean, where do I start?the trouble with white peopleis you can’t tell them apartI’m so bad with names and dates and timesbut I’m big on facesthat is, except for mine I believe you when you tell mewe’ve met beforethis time you’ve got my interestthis time you’ve got the floorwhy […]

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Get To Know Ya

They be tryin’ to bring you flowersyou prfer your roses blue others was tryin’ to get in your trousersI was just tryin’ to get with you honestThats why them boys be scared of you you never let them get past pajamasoh…when you find the time how can I get to know ya? Yo’ name, number…gametell […]

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Approach and try to live me backwardsthen without looking behindsurviving is somewhat confusingalthough I never mind if only silence could ever talkhow loud will be the voiceof this sincerely yours, violently yours without you I am mutewithout you, raped and nude(without you) [No] (while you are the) one can touch me like I do If […]

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Blue Guitar

Young girl feeling pretty wildYoung girl in the bandRolling into another townLiving the best they can Across the street, a music storeShe gotta find a brand new axeAnd there he was, that blue guitarHe was staring her right backStaring her right back She held him close and he felt just fineHe warmed her up – […]

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Fuck Armageddon… This Is Hell

there’s people out there that say i’m no good,cause i don’t believe the things that i should,and when the final conflict comes, i’ll be so sorry i did wrong,and hope and pray that our lord god will think i’m good.countries manufacture bombs and gunsto kill your brother for something that he hasn’t even done.smog is […]

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Moi, Lolita

Moi je m’appelle LolitaLo ou bien LolaDu pareil au mêmeMoi je m’appelle LolitaQuand je rêve aux loupsC’est Lola qui saigneQuand fourche ma langue,j’ai là un fou rire aussi fouQu’un phénomène Je m’appelle LolitaLo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes Moi je m’appelle LolitaCollégienne aux basBleus de méthylèneMoi je m’appelle LolitaColéreuse et pasMi-coton, mi-laineMotus et bouche […]

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