Warm Air And A Sandwich

The window is open. Air comes through the window. It is warm air. It is a warm day. The air smells like bread. It smells like fresh bread. It smells good. It makes the boy hungry. The boy goes to the kitchen. He makes a sandwich. He sits down. He eats the sandwich.  

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If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Clap, Clap. If you’re happy and you […]

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Make A Note Of

Write down as to remember; or, remember. For Example: I’ll make a note of the fact that the tires are low. Shakespeare used this term in a slightly different form in The Two Gentlemen of Verona(2:7): “Go with me to my chamber to take a note of what I stand in need.”

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Barking Up The Wrong Tree

This is an especially humorous English phrase because of the word “bark” being used in the same phrase with the word “tree.” While “bark” is a word for the outer layer of a tree, the “barking” here actually refers to the action of a dog barking. When a dog chases a squirrel or similar animal […]

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At The Drop Of A Hat

This is an English phrase that is used to say that only the slightest movement is necessary to start a process or activity. It is used to indicate that a person needs very little motivation to cause them to do something. For Example: “When I win the lottery I will happily travel the world at […]

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A Piece Of Cake

This is a common phrase that is used to say that a task is relatively easy. When someone is doing something that is as easy as enjoying a piece of cake, it is really easy. This is often used as a boastful exaggeration when a person is trying to make it appear that something challenging […]

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