The concept is based on how someone’s stomach might feel when they are nervous. For Example: The feeling is conceptually similar to having butterflies flying around. This can be used in the following way: “She is the star of the show, so she has butterflies in her stomach.”
Continue ReadingA Little Bird Told Me
It is used when you want to tell someone something, but don’t want to tell them how you found out about it. For Example: Jon tells Sally that his company is doing really well. Sally tells her friend Joan to buy stock in the company. When Joan asks how Sally knows to do so, Sally […]
Continue ReadingLife In The Fast Lane
It is a way of saying that someone is living bravely and doing what they truly want to, sometimes indulgently. For Example: The phrase is usually used in the following manner: “He (or she) is living life in the fast lane.” This usually has little to do with driving, as it may sound. It is […]
Continue ReadingA Big Fish In A Small Pond
The meaning of this English phrase is different than it may sound. The phrase is actually a way of saying that someone is content to have a lot of influence in a relatively small group of people or place. For Example: This phrase can be used to describe someone who is a mayor of a […]
Continue ReadingTake It Easy
The meaning of this common English phrase is very different than it may sound. In fact, it doesn’t really make logical sense when reading it. The phrase is essentially the same as saying: “Relax.” For Example: It is said by a person to another person to calm them. It can also be used by a […]
Continue ReadingA Diamond In The Rough
Someone or something with great potential despite an appearance to the contrary. For Example: “She might not try very hard to look pretty, but I think Suzy is a diamond in the rough. If she focused more on her beauty, she would be a total knockout!”
Continue ReadingJust Deserts
To get what one deserves. For Example: “I told Michael not to cheat on his taxes. Now he’s getting his just deserts; the IRS is auditing him.”
Continue ReadingOut Of Your Depth
Having no knowledge or experience on a topic. For Example: “My physics class is so hard. I’m way out of my depth in there.”
Continue ReadingRuns Deep
Something that is very established or concrete. For Example: “That red hair runs deep in Jimmy’s family genetics.”
Continue ReadingTo Death
A phrase used to emphasize an emotion. For Example: If you are “scared to death,” you are really scared. If you are “bored to death,” you are really bored.
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