Don’t Count Your Chickens

Don’t assume a positive outcome will happen until you know for sure. The full saying is “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” This means that if you just count your eggs and assume there will be a chicken in every egg, you could be disappointed to learn that some eggs did not contain a […]

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Get Something Off Your Chest

To share your feelings on something you were previously silent about. The statement implies that you are relieving yourself of holding in your thoughts about something. For Example: “there’s something I need to get off my chest. I don’t think I can work here any longer.”

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A Close Call

Something bad that nearly happens or a difficult decision. For Example: If lightining struck ten feet away, you would say, “wow, that was a close call!” If you are trying to decide between two restaurants you could say, “I don’t know… it’s a close call.”

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