When someone feels they are being attacked or over-utilized, they might say, “oh give me a break!” This phrase can also be used as a response to something seemingly ridiculous. For Example: If your friend said, “I think Tottenham will beat Manchester United,” you could say, “oh give me a break!” This would indicate that […]
Continue ReadingThe Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
This phrase indicates a brilliant invention or discovery. Sliced bread is assumed to be a brilliant idea. For Example: “that’s the greatest idea since sliced bread,” it serves to strongly compliment the merits of the idea.
Continue ReadingBread And Butter
Someone’s basic source of income or value. For Example: “I can’t skip work on Fridays. That day is my bread and butter.” That phrase implies the speaker makes a lot of money on Fridays.
Continue ReadingOut Of Bounds
In sports, out of bounds means outside of the field of play. This phrase can be used to symbolize something that is off-limits. For Example: “I would ask Brett’s sister on a date, but I’m afraid that might be out of bounds.” In this case, the speaker is implying that trying to date Brett’s sister […]
Continue ReadingGet To The Bottom Of
Reaching a state of conclusion over an issue or subject. For Example: In a murder investigation, the lead detective could tell a peer that they will “get to the bottom of this case,” meaning they will solve the case.
Continue ReadingGive Someone The Boot
To end relations with someone either profesionally or personally. For Example: A friend might ask, “are you still dating George?” To which one could reply, “no, I gave him the boot.”
Continue ReadingBy The Book
Following the rules to their exact letter. For Example: If you do something “by the book,” you’re doing it exactly as intended with no deviation from a prescribed plan.
Continue ReadingRock The Boat
Stirring controversy or bringing sensitive issues to the forefront is “rocking the boat”. For Example: “It implies that everything was smooth beforehand and by broaching that subject you “rocked the boat.
Continue ReadingCall Someone’s Bluff
A poker term that means identifying when someone is lying or being deceitful in hopes of misleading you. For Example: “He was acting like an expert on astronomy, but when I asked him his thoughts on quantum physics I clearly had called his bluff, he didn’t know how to respond.
Continue ReadingOut Of The Blue
Something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly. For Example: If one received an unexpected raise from their boss, they might tell a friend, “oh, and I got a raise out of the blue today which was nice!”
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