Actions Speak Louder Than Words

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS means that what someone says is different from from what they do. It is often used when someone makes a promise but then doesn’t keep it. For Example: “Dad, I promise I’ll be on time for class and do all my homework as soon as I get it.” “Well that […]

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A Piece of The Action

A PIECE OF THE ACTION means that someone wants to be involved in some popular or beneficial social activity. For Example: Due to the team’s success in recent games ticket sales have soared, and it seems everyone wants a piece of the action. – (Meaning lots of people want to see the team.) Studying online […]

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Clean Up Your Act

CLEAN UP YOUR ACT means that someone needs to do much better, especially because they are behaving unacceptably. For Example: John’s been late for work almost every day this week, and he always stays out late with his friends. He needs to clean up his act, or he’ll lose his job. The recent scandal yet […]

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