I’m a motherfucking wrenchThrown in the gearsEverything was great til I got hereI’m a bad guy inside and outPut your faith in me and I’ll spit you outAnd I admit, I’m a basketcaseWith lipstick smeared across my faceCocked and loaded can’t shut me up[chorus]Hey stupid, don’t suck your thumbTake your diaper off and put your […]
Continue ReadingLast Night
yo you don’t even know about this girl i met last nightshe was badyou’ve never seen nothing like it, trust me who be your casanovaand we don’t stop dr dr dr dr drop the flavawho be your casanovacraig david o yeah and we don’t stopcraig david on the risecraig david on the rise stepped in […]
Continue ReadingSlum Beautiful
(Hook) Slum beautiful, driving I plum crazySlum beautiful, soul, but so amazing [Andre 3000]They don’t know, but I do thoughBaby my darling you make me loose composureFragments of a million meScattered across the floor to a certain degreeWhere I had to give your mama callAnd thank her for spending time with your daddyFor all its […]
Continue ReadingDuende
Hay alguien allá fuera?"Hueyatlan tetecuica auh tlatoa totonametl in manic"… Que quiere decir: " El mar que late yHabla con la voz del que perdura resplandeciendo."¿Y quienes son sus habitantes?Son ellos!… Míralos!…. Tabú de luna. Reina tú. Cliché. Bienvenida fortuna de un cowboy glasé.Y están… están paraos, están parosY están… están de pie, en un […]
Continue ReadingKillafornia
[B-Real]Living in the city of the ScandalousShisty motherfuckers, can’t even trust my own brothersSo who can I choose to trust, me, that’s whoNiggas want a piece of the pie, fuck off and die!Jealous, envious fools want to rush thisLoco, trooping ass nigga with the cash, shitMotherfuckers just get your own, and leave mine aloneForty-five places […]
Continue ReadingSi No Eres Tú
Antes de tres días saldré de aquíCon el alma a trozos me esfumaréAntes de tres días te digo adiósViendo que el futuro se ha partido en dos. Unas cuantas horas y algún vermouthUna tarde a solas si quieres túCuéntale a Keith Richards lo que pasóDile que te cuide si ya no estoy yo. Huellas de […]
Continue ReadingA Contrapie
El día que no puedas más,Y ya no aprendas del error,No te pares sin saber porqué. Que cada paso que no dasReafirmas siempre la cuestiónQue "nuestra vida sólo es de alquiler." Grita al mundo,Que oigan bien tu voz,Y vuelve a sentir,Que nadie a escrito tu guión. Al fin y al cabo, hay que pensarQue el […]
Continue ReadingDown The Road
I don’t need anybody . I don’t need anyone.Take it nice and easy mama , chicken on the run and I don’t care.I’d show my body anywhere.Ain’t no big city winner’s gonna pass my buck anywhere.Ain’t no four leaf clover’s gonna settle my luck and I don’t care. Go down to the courthouse and I’ve […]
Continue ReadingJoyful Girl
i do it for the joy it bringsbecause i’m a joyful girlbecause the world owes me nothingand we owe each other the worldi do it because it’s the least i can doi do it because i learned it from youi do it just because i want tobecause I want to everything i do is judgedand […]
Continue ReadingShameless
i cannot name thisi cannot explain thisand i really don’t want tojust call me shamelessi can’t even slow this downlet alone stop thisand i keep looking aroundbut i cannot top this if i had any sensei guess i’d fear thisi guess i’d keep it downso no one would hear thisi guess i’d shut my mouthand […]
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